Sessions on AI or Artificial Intelligence and its applications in digital marketing or content creation.
Its not an easy task to train human minds. Our ideas and approaches are big and innovative so that our sessions are effective.
Not everyone can relate to the things in virtual world or the calculations we need to do. So sessions have to be creative.
This is intended for children. We love to lay the foundation for the same for all those bright minds which are the future.
The basics of this will be taught to the children as children who have this in syllabus are finding it difficult.
We have got an amazing response from our clients so far as testimonials. We intend to transform the though process of children.
If you wish to start a digital marketing business, we can help you start the same. We will try to teach you how you can be an amazing at it.
This will be for adults and the trainings are on creation of WordPress Websites. No coding skills are needed for this.
Not everyone can spend lakhs for this. So we teach our ways to business owners or freelancers who would want to benefit.
Committed and creative
Attend from the comfort of your home
A team dedicated for your upskilling and growth keeping in view of the challenges that you are currently facing.
To make the secrets that can transform the life of just anyone available to them at affordable rates.
To add more value to your life whether you are a professional or an adult. The same goes for classes for children.
My children aged 9 years and 12 years have attended the classes of Ivorox. The shortcuts, tips and concepts shared by them have considerably improved the performance of my children. I would gladly recommend them to anyone.
Classes by Ivorox has helped my child in doing mathematical calculations much faster.The outcome of this short-term course was fabulous. As a parent, I am fully satisfied with what they taught and how they conducted the classes.
I had my son who has finished his 5th standard attend the classes by IVOROX. The classes have helped him in bridging gaps, fine tuning his skills and making him academically more strong.
I highly recommend Ivorox for any parent as my child who has completed 4th standard has highly benefited from their classes. It has helped her in doing sharper calculations in much less time through smart shortcuts and concepts.